Financial Policy
Thank you for choosing Dr. Staci Ianiro for your endodontic care. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality dental care possible.
Fees for endodontic therapy will vary, depending on the tooth in need of treatment and the particular treatment the tooth needs. Patients can expect to pay anywhere from $900 to $1500 depending on the difficulty of the case and if a restoration or build-up is required.
For Our Patients Without Insurance:
Fees for service are due at the time of treatment. For your convenience, we accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Debit Card, Personal Check, Cashier's check, Money orders, and cash.
We also offer outside financing through Cherry or Care Credit. You can apply online and have your approval in place prior to your appointment.

For our patients with insurance:
We file ALL primary and secondary insurances. Even though we accept partial payment from insurance companies, You, the patient, are ultimately the responsible for the entire amount of fees for service.
Option A:
Payment (of your balance, co-payment, or fee for service) is not due until either your insurance pays their portion*, or until 30 days** after your appointment day, whichever comes first. Instead of collecting payment on your appointment day, we will pre-authorize your credit card at that time for the full fee for service (this only reserves credit for the fee, it is not yet charged). When your insurance payment arrives to our office (if it is within 30 days**), we will charge the exact remaining balance to your pre-authorized credit card at that time. If your insurance payment does not arrive within 30 days of your appointment, we reserve the right to charge the full fee for service to your pre-authorized credit card. Then we will promptly send you a refund check for any overpayment in the mail once the insurance payment is received.
Option B:
No credit card pre-authorization is needed if you pay 45% of the total fee for service on your appointment day. Then we will either send a refund check or collect the remaining balance due when your insurance pays (or after 30 days** has expired, whichever comes first if there is a remaining balance).
Our insurance financial policy:
1. Allows you to postpone actual payment (for up to 30 days**) until we truly know what your co-payment amount will be
2. Prevents your waiting for a refund check or a statement in the mail; collection of inaccurate (over-estimated) co-pay amounts on the day of treatment
3. Prevents the need to collect the full fee for service on your appointment day. We hope this helps!
As a courtesy to you, we will:
1. Accurately fill out your insurance claim and send it to your insurance provider the same day or next business day. We file to both primary and secondary insurances.
2. Strictly guard your CC information, keep it hidden, protected and confidential, and delete this information once your remaining balance has been paid
3. Print out your claim for you to read and follow up or verify as accurate with your insurance. We find that insurances may pay more readily and faster (ideally within your 30 day window) if their clients (you) call
** “30 days” means that it needs to arrive on the last business day of 30 days, with day one being your appointment day. Our business days are generally Monday – Thursday excluding holidays and vacations.
By signing this financial policy, you are agreeing to: give Ianiro Endodontics permission to pre-authorize your credit card for the full fees for service onto your credit card; and within 30 days** of your appointment you authorize Ianiro Endodontics to charge the exact remaining balance due, whether or not your insurance has paid a portion of that balance by that time. If there has been an overpayment once insurance pays, we will promptly send a refund check to you.
****NOTE****: Missed appointments
Once an appointment has been made, this time has been reserved exclusively for you with appropriate staff to serve your dental needs. Canceling without adequate notice makes it difficult for us to meet the needs of other patients. Missed appointments or cancellations with less than 2 business days notice prior to your appointment will incur a $150 charge for missed procedures ($150 per procedure if multiple procedures are planned) and a $50 charge for missed consultations. The charge is necessary to defer the overhead costs involved with missed appointments, and to keep missed appointments to a minimum. This in turn keeps our normal fees reasonable, and allows us to use our time to help others in pain.
****NOTE****: Incomplete root canal fees:
Teeth are sometimes found to be non-restorable during treatment. Although part of the diagnostic work up is to find these things prior to treatment, if a tooth is found to have damage that is not repairable (deep fractures for example) during treatment, an incomplete RCT fee of at least $395 will be incurred plus exam and radiographs.
Payment of services for the treatment of minors is the responsibility of the accompanying adult.
Service charges
We will charge $30.00 for returned checks.
Collection fees
Fees incurred from our collection agency will be the responsibility of the patient.
Below is information regarding insurance companies and why they may or may not cover the entire cost of dental treatment.
Many carriers refer to their allowed payments as UCR, which stands for "Usual, Customary, and Reasonable". However, this does NOT mean exactly what it seems to mean. UCR is actually a negotiated list between your employer and the insurance carrier for a given procedure. The payment listing is related to cost of the premiums and the geographical area (typically by zip code of service rendered) where the work is done. In almost all cases, the payment for the billed services is usually less, frequently much less, than what we charge.
Our primary objective is to provide high-quality dental care at a fair fee while the insurance company's primary objective is to earn a profit for its shareholders. Yes, we are in business to earn a profit too, but we cannot allow the insurance company to dictate the standard and quality of care delivered to you. In an effort to maintain a high quality of care, we would like to share some information about dental insurance with you.
A common point of confusion is about how an insurance company determines UCR (Usual and Customary). Inflammatory information is often sent by the insurance companies that may state our fees are higher than usual and customary. An insurance company surveys a geographic area, calculates an average fee, takes 80% of that fee and considers it customary. Included in this survey are discount dental clinics and managed care facilities, which bring down the average. Many plans tell their participants that they will be covered "up to 80 percent or up to 100 percent," but do not clearly specify plan fee-schedule allowances, annual maximums or limitations. In fact, “80% of UCR” many times is not even calculated by the fees in the area but instead is some arbitrary number so the company can sell the plan to your employer at a specific cost per person. Hence, it may not represent a practical fee for a given procedure. It is more realistic to expect dental insurance to cover 35 - 65% of major services. Remember the amount a plan pays is determined by how much the employer paid for the plan. You get back only what your employer put in, less the profits of the insurance company. Dental benefits differ greatly from general health insurance benefits. In 1971, your dental-insurance benefits were approximately $1,000 per year. Figuring a 6% rate of inflation per year, you should be receiving more than $4,549 per year in dental benefits. Your premiums have increased, but your benefits have not. Therefore, dental insurance is never a pay-all; it is only an aid or supplement.
The cost of handling insurance within our office includes numerous lengthy phone calls, resubmitting information or radiographs (x-rays) two or three times because insurance companies "lost" or "never received" them, excessive paperwork, mailing and redundant billing. Hence, the cost of handling insurance is not trivial and really is substantial. Patience is involved since it takes at least 1 month for claims to be processed; it’s not unusual for 3 months and sometimes longer!
Our financial policies are in place to enable our patients to receive the highest level of endodontic care our office can provide. Please ask us if you have any questions!